New Training on How to Turn Your Shopify Store Into a MAGNET For Retail Companies!
Are you a Shopify store owner? Do you want to grow your business beyond this online platform? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place to learn how to get retail chains to notice your product if you are using a platform such as Shopify. In this new training video I created, I shared some tips and strategies on how you can expand your business from e-Commerce to retail.
Shopify is a great online platform for selling products. But if you’re exploring the possibility of turning your online store into a magnet for retail companies, then you need to make sure that you know what to do.
That’s why I discuss some important things that you should take note of so that you can get the attention of a retail buyer faster! Capturing chain store buyer interest with your online store is essential if you want to sell to scale into retail chains.
So, if you want to learn more information, watch the training video!
(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcription is included as well below!)
Wishing you so much happiness and success.
Karen Waksman, Retail MBA

Transcript For Video Listed Here for Turn Your Shopify Store into a Magnet for Retail Companies!
So let’s talk about turning your Shopify Store into a magnet for retail chains. So if you have a great product and you’re selling on Shopify and you’re now exploring the possibility of, you know, selling beyond just online. You want to sell them to physical stores. This little training segment will walk you through some things to think about in regards to supporting yourself. Because the ultimate goal is to get retailers to pay attention to your product and to buy your product. And you definitely want to have an online presence that is interesting to them.
So the first that I’ve noticed that people do when they’re creating an e-commerce store or whatever it is that they’re doing, and one of the things that they do to deter retailers in paying attention to them is that they don’t have a product video that clearly depicts what the product is and does in 5 seconds or less and then moves on. It could be a 30-second video, minute-long video, whatever. But you know, really, really, quickly in the first few seconds to get the buyer to pay attention to the fact that they understand what the product is and does.
Some products you have to kind of explain a little bit further I understand. It’s not so easy to do. But generally speaking, a product video is essential to your success. And really you touching the product, looking at the product, summary like discussing it some way explaining why that product is so superb for their audiences so forth. That will really, really help you. Buyers really like looking at videos and they’ll absolutely take a look at that.
The other thing is that buyers are always looking at reviews online and so forth. So if you can kind of control some of that, maybe if you have great reviews on different platforms and so forth, you want to kind of place that on your Shopify store. Buyers love that. So yesterday I was talking to Bed Bath and Beyond because I do events and I partner with retail chains. And Bed Bath and Beyond was reviewing different products and so forth. And so one of the things that she was saying was, “Yes, I like this product” or “No, I don’t like this product.” But this product, you know, they have really horrible reviews and so she’s aware of that. You know what I mean? And so my point in sharing that is that if you do have these great reviews, you definitely want to include it in to your site and so forth because that really, really helps the buyers know what people are talking about.
I actually have had customers who have gone to buyer meetings and presented all their fabulous reviews to the buyer. Just kind of show them how many amazing reviews there are and the buyers actually purchased the product because of the reviews. So these are really, really nice if you have good ones. Not much I can do for you if you have terrible reviews but you know, let’s just assume that you pluck the ones that are great and you put them on your site. The buyers are actually caring whether your customers like your product or not.
Another thing to think about is that when you are developing a Shopify store, you definitely want to put the video above the folds, I mean the one the first thing the buyers are looking at. So don’t make the buyer dig around or figure out what your product is and does. Just have it on top and have it in autoplay. That actually really helps the buyer a lot. And then underneath, it does help. You don’t have to do it this way but even all of the as seen on TV sites, they tend to put all the video and stuff above the folds and a very clear explanation of what’s going on there.
Another thing that a lot of people don’t mention in their websites is they don’t put testimonial videos anywhere. And the buyers love that. They love testimonial videos beyond just reviews but like any sort of video or content related to people loving your product that’s really, really helpful. Buyers at retail chains absolutely love it when you sell your product to other retail chains. It’s the one industry where the buyers are actually happy when you’re selling to their competitors. The reason for that it’s because they think you’re less of a risk. So, at the end of the day means that means that, you know, if a buyer sees that Macy’s or Kroger Grocery Store or whatever is buying your product they believe the product will probably sell and will be more inclined to put it on their stores.
They don’t like products they’re not sure that’s going to convert. So one hand, they like new interesting innovation and all that stuff but then they also like that you’re selling to other places. Doesn’t mean you can’t tell the retailers if you haven’t sold anywhere else but just be aware of that. So the bottom line is, buyers really like it if you kind of mention that you’ve been selling to other retailers. It makes them kind of happy even if it’s boutiques or whatever is it you’re doing. Mentioning successes is actually a good thing.
So those are some things to think about. There are add-ons and stuff but…oh! One more thing I would say is that I mean, I’ve seen so many clients of mine who will show me their website, and their pictures are blurry because maybe they didn’t want to spend the money to get fancier photos. Please don’t do that. If you’re going to take your business seriously, like do the job, spend the money or don’t put the product up. Blurry pictures, not magical photos, not so wonderful copy, really make a difference if someone is looking at your site. And all the retailers are looking at people’s websites before they purchase anything because they want to see what’s going and what the world thinks of your product, which is pretty logical.
So, you know, take the time. Put the effort. Don’t put up anything just to put up something. Care about what you are doing and ultimately I would really, really help you generate revenue with your product at retail chains. Anyways, I hope that provided value for you. Again this is Karen Waksman, Retail MBA. If you want to learn all the strategies. I mean, every single one. I actually know how to approach, pitch, and sell to retail chains. What to say to buyers to get them to buy even if you have zero sales experience or buyer relationship. Definitely take a look at what we’re up to, that’s We help people with zero sales up to advance sellers get into retailers in a fraction of time. So definitely take a look at to learn more. Otherwise, please subscribe to this channel. Provide feedback. Hopefully you like what we’re talking about and or be on the lookout for the next training that we create. Again, Karen Waksman, Retail MBA. Thanks for your time.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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