About Retail MBA

About Retail MBA and Karen Waksman
Welcome to Retail MBA! We are a Retail Consultancy, a Rep Agency and a Publishing House Helping Consumer Product Brands Scale Their Sales into the World’s Largest Retailers, Massive Online Retailers and Much More. No Sales Experience or Buyer Relationships Required!
Karen Waksman, Founder of Retail MBA, is a Manufacturer’s Rep turned Author, Speaker and Consultant. She has sold millions of consumer products to the world’s largest retailers and has been selling to retail chains for OVER 20 Years! And now dedicates her time to teaching and coaching Entrepreneurs how to market and sell their products to Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Catalogs, HSN/QVC and Small Retailers, too – since 2009!
Retail MBA Started as a Side Project, Helping People Succeed with Retail Chains and is now a Global Brand! We are thrilled to support you wherever you are in your journey.
Karen is also the Founder and CEO of Inventions.org. A Trade Association Focused on Helping Inventors Scale Their Inventions Businesses. Check out Inventions.org Here: https://www.inventions.org. Based off the Oldest Trade Association for Inventors Starting Back in 1963!
Karen Waksman has taught over 10’s of thousands of product entrepreneurs and companies across the globe on the subject of selling to retailers. Her goal is to empower and inspire companies to transform their businesses by providing them all of the necessary information they need in order to become chain store vendors.
Most importantly, Karen’s clients have utilized the Retail MBA time-tested sales formula to get their products into retailers such as Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Kroger Grocery Stores, Bed Bath and Beyond, BuyBuyBaby, Groupon and much, much more
- Karen Waksman has taught her programs for the Consumer Electronics Show (one of the World’s Largest Trade Shows – 3x), National Hardware Show, International Home and Houseware Show, Alibaba, Global Sources, US Patent Offices, Small Business Administration, SBDC, Stanford University, Amazing.com Events, InventRight, United Inventor Association, BossBabe, Titan Networks, Rapid Crush, Digital Marketer, Amazing Selling Machine, War Room (Digital Marketer Multi-Million Dollar Brands Organization), International Amazon.com Events and Much More! Over 100,000+ People Have Learned from Karen over the Last 13 Years At Her Speaking Engagements, Live Events, Online Supportive Free Trainings and More!
- Partnered with the World’s Largest Retail Chains at Private Supplier Retail MBA Events with Walmart, Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond, Costco, and More!
- Karen Waksman is the Entrepreneur Magazine ‘Ask the Pro‘ Go-To Expert on the subject of Getting Your Product Sold at Retail! She Has Been Featured in their Magazines Multiple Times!
- MSNBC featured Karen as one of their experts on selling products to retail in their book “It’s Your Business.’ This book is based on MSNBC’s longest running series called ‘Your Business’! Best-Selling Authors such as Guy Kawasaki are featured experts in the book as well!
- New York Times Company (Previously Called About.com) Wholesale Product Expert: Reached nearly 40MM unique visitors a month and was a top 30 site in the US for several years!
- Commissioned by the Consumer Electronics Association to train members on how to get products into retailers. Karen is also a speaker at CES. CES is the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow that boosts more than 150,000 attendees at their annual event! CES also profiled Karen Waksman in their magazine!
- Was asked by Stanford University to teach the Retail MBA Program (How to Sell Products to Major Retailers…No Sales Experience or Existing Buyer Relationships Required) and was also a student mentor for their Product Realization Network group. AND Has Taught Classes as a Professor at Community Colleges Throughout California and Beyond on the Subject of Revenue Generation Through Retail Chains!
- Proud Member and Partnered with Founders Board, War Room Masterminds, Genius Network Masterminds, Maverick1000 and Flight Club (Only 7-9 Figure in Revenue Business Owners Can Participate! All Groups That Include the Top Internet Marketers and Influencers on the Planet
- Many People Ask About the State of Retail Today – See Video Below If You Are Interested in Learning What Our Stance is on the Constant Shift Retailers Are Facing Today!
Events With Sir Richard Branson and More!