Retail Display Counter

retail display counter

Retail Counter Displays

Counter Displays can increase impulse sales and are an invaluable merchandising tool. Easy to set up, they fit any retail space seamlessly and are especially beneficial near checkout counters where shoppers are more likely to make impulse purchases while waiting.

Bakeries and cafes may use glass display showcases for artisan cakes, muffins, pastries, salads or any other types of products they wish to display, while other stores might opt for wooden counters in order to sell products such as batteries or packs of screws.


Retail display counters are an essential element of retail merchandising and should be designed to draw customers in and increase sales. Retail display counters can serve several functions within stores: they provide customers with information on special or new products in store; they promote new brands or seasonal merchandise; they may even serve to highlight special promotions like those for special holidays like Halloween. Ideally, an eye-catching visual display should grab customers’ attention quickly by using attractive colors, themes and images; another method would be selecting one main product and surrounding it with complementary items arranged around it all – creating an eye-catching counter display!

Successful displays must attract customers while being easy for them to read. They should feature clear writing with clean designs. In line with brand guidelines and including calls-to-actions, updates should occur regularly to keep things interesting and relevant for visitors. If you lack creativity in this area, consider hiring a designer who can create eye-catching displays.

Size matters when it comes to creating an inviting counter display. Your counter should be large enough to display all of the products that you’d like to sell; otherwise it will be ineffective. A great way to test out how large or small a display is would be by placing it into real world settings – this will give you an accurate picture of its effectiveness in store environments.

Retail displays are physical pieces of marketing or fixtures designed to draw customers in-store, from free-standing in-store areas to eye-catching shelf talkers. A successful display combines physical structures and marketing materials with psychological marketing tactics like merchandising, floor planning, colors and imagery. All of this combined can make any retail display successful!

Experienced retail marketers know the significance of creating eye-catching retail displays to drive sales. Displays play an integral part in POP (point-of-purchase) strategies; with so much time and money going into developing them, it is imperative that they are attractive enough to send the right message to target audiences.


Retail display counters are an effective way to drive impulse purchases. Placed near checkout areas, these displays can promote last-minute items such as candy and gum while remaining highly organized and attractive. Furthermore, these versatile displays can fit seamlessly into various retail environments and can even be tailored specifically to fit the unique requirements of each store.

Counter displays offer retailers looking to boost sales an economical solution, typically less costly than other types of displays and designed in line with your brand and product. Plus, they can draw more customers into your store while increasing overall customer satisfaction.

Counter displays can also serve as an effective way of highlighting seasonal or trending products, making an impactful statement about seasonality or trendiness. For example, if your lawn and garden brand partners with a hardware store, using counter displays to advertise new spring/holiday items may prove beneficial in increasing brand recognition while simultaneously increasing visibility of lower priced offerings.

Color plays an integral part in how customers perceive your store and brand, so when selecting point-of-purchase displays it’s wise to utilize color theory when making selections. Select hues which evoke positive emotions in customers while stimulating purchasing behavior – avoid overly bright or garish colors which could create negative experiences for your customers.

Shelving Depot provides elegant glass convenience store showcases and sturdy gondola checkout counters to meet the needs of stores of any kind, while our selection includes counters in different styles and finishes to help create a cohesive look across your fixtures. Furthermore, our counter selection comes complete with accessories like pricing supplies and staplers to make check-out stations run efficiently – in addition to displays and accessories designed to help increase sales.

Temperature control

Temperature control is an integral component of retail display counters. It helps avoid food contamination and ensure safety standards are upheld throughout the cold chain – particularly with refrigeration units. Unfortunately, multiple studies have revealed that display cabinet temperatures do not always comply with established food safety requirements.

Recent research conducted at four stores examined the temperature of frozen displays and found that many cabinets did not comply with energy consumption standards, meaning many retailers may be misusing electricity by not optimizing performance of RDCs. A decentralized system can help overcome this issue by monitoring individual freezer temperatures.

The system consists of open-source hardware and software, making it simple for small stores to use. It includes six autonomous freezers, two dairy displays, two vitrines, sensors for all refrigerators connected to one electronic board and alarms monitored on ThingSpeak platform via email notification; alarms may also be displayed via smartphone application.

ThingSpeak’s platform can deliver two-minute interval data series for every sensor connected, providing complete temperature records of display cabinets that can be visualized using this data instead of traditional thermographs used for health services inspection. This solution improves cold chain management while guaranteeing higher quality standards while decreasing waste product. Furthermore, this cost-effective alternative to conventional monitoring systems can be implemented across store or chain levels.

Easy to clean

Retail counter display units can be an effective way to showcase products and entice shoppers to purchase, but must remain clean in order to remain attractive and effective. This is particularly crucial in areas that receive heavy foot traffic, where keeping counters clean may make customers feel safer in store while helping prevent germ spread among customers.

Make sure that the counters in your store are easily maintained by regularly inspecting them for out-of-place items and cleaning thoroughly, to prevent dust and cobweb build-up on product displays and ensure an aesthetically pleasing store appearance.

There are various retail counters on the market, and it is essential that you find one that will meet your specific needs. When making this selection, take into account factors like size and placement within your store; checking that shelves or boxes can accommodate products you intend to sell; as well as whether there is space available for signage or labels which will increase visibility of products for sale.

Another consideration when purchasing retail counters should be their durability and sturdiness. Given how often these will be handled, make sure your retail counters are constructed from sturdy materials that are easy to keep clean.

Use disinfectants or deodorizers on your retail counters regularly in order to keep them clean, as this will eliminate odors while protecting products from spoilage. In addition, it’s a good idea to regularly wipe down surfaces of these retail counters to keep them looking their best.

Clean your retail counter display racks regularly using non-abrasive cleaners or polishes that do not contain abrasives, such as soapy water. It should also be rinsed with clean water after using chemical cleaners to make sure everything remains in perfect condition.

Retail counter displays that showcase one product are often the most successful at creating impulse sales at checkout counters. Such displays may tempt shoppers away from what they actually need but it is essential not to lose focus and forget that customers come here not just to browse but to finish their list and move forward with life.

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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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retail display counter

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