Michaels Vendor - how to sell to Michaels stores

How to Sell to Michaels Stores & Become a Michaels Vendor

Do you have a product that is perfect for Michaels Stores and Want to Become a Michaels Vendor?

(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcripts are included below!)

Are you interested in becoming a vendor for Michaels? Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA has some tips and strategies to help you successfully sell your products in Michaels stores!

Michaels as a Vendor

Michaels primarily focuses on arts and crafts products; however they also offer a range of items like gift items and office supplies. This presents an opportunity for vendors since there is competition for products that may not necessarily fall into the arts and crafts category.

Becoming a Michaels Vendor

If you believe your product could be a fit for Michaels stores the first step is to visit one of their stores and familiarize yourself with the types of products they carry. This will give you an understanding of whether your product aligns with their offerings.

The next step involves reaching out to Michaels as a retailer. This can be an opportunity since not everyone considers selling their products through retailers like Michaels. The key is to identify areas where competition may be lower, for your product type allowing you to leverage that advantage.If you’re interested, in learning the step by step process of placing a product in retailers like Michaels stores Karen suggests checking out her Retail MBA program. It’s the course available today for selling products to retailers.

Starting to Sell Products at Michaels Stores and Becoming a Vendor

Having your products sold at Michaels stores can be an opportunity for vendors. By following Karen’s advice and strategies you’ll gain insights into the kinds of products they carry and how to become a vendor for Michaels. For details on getting your products into retailers, like Michaels stores I recommend exploring Karens Retail MBA program.

Transcript for this Training Here…

Become Michaels store Vendor

Michaels Vendor – How to Become a Michaels Store Vendor

People always ask me about retailers such as Michael Stores. Let’s go through some tips and strategies that will  help you think through selling to retailers such as Michael Stores.

What can you sell to Michaels

What is Michael Stores all about? It is essentially a retailer that focuses a lot on arts and crafts products. But Michael Stores also have variety. If you walk into their stores, you’d see they have gift items, office supply products and all sorts of things other than arts and crafts.

Won’t necessarily be very competitive to get your products into Michaels

The reason I bring this up is because, as a sales person, I understand that my competitors aren’t typically thinking of selling products to Michael Stores because they’re focused on being an arts and crafts store. But, if I want to make money, it’s good strategy to go for retailers like this that won’t necessarily be as competitive. If you have a product that could fit in that store, I would highly recommend:

  • First, going to that store and taking a look around to see whether or not your products would make a great fit there
  • Second I recommend reaching out to that retailer because it could be a great opportunity for you since not everyone is thinking of selling to a retailer such as Michael Stores

 If you are looking for a place that might not be as competitive for your product type, then you might want to consider a retailer which is a little bit different and not typically on people’s radar like arts and crafts.

The idea here is simple: follow where the least resistance is.

Become a Michaels store vendor

Learn how to approach, pitch, & sell to Michaels local retail stores

If you like to learn the exact steps from start to finish on how to get a product into retailers such as Michael Stores please take a look at my Retail MBA program. You’ll probably love it. It’s the most comprehensive course available today on the subject of selling to retailers. Be sure to be on the lookout for my additional helpful content about getting your products into stores.

Michaels Vendor - how to sell to Michaels stores

Transcript Outline for Michaels Vendor - How to Sell to Michaels Stores!

In this training listed above, we will discuss the strategies and tips for selling your products to Michaels, a popular retailer known for its focus on arts and crafts. As the founder of Retail MBA, I have taught thousands of product companies across the country on how to sell to new retailers. Many people often ask me about retailers like Michaels, so I wanted to take a moment to provide some insights and help you navigate the process of selling to Michaels.

Michaels Vendor

Michaels is not just an arts and crafts store; it offers a wide range of products beyond what people typically associate with the brand. In addition to arts and crafts supplies, Michaels also carries gift items, office supplies, and various other products. This is an important aspect to consider when approaching Michaels as a potential retailer for your product.

Finding Opportunities

One advantage of selling to Michaels is that many of your competitors may not be considering it as a sales channel. Since Michaels is often perceived as an arts and crafts store, other product companies may overlook the opportunity to sell their products there. This gives you a chance to stand out and potentially have less competition.

To determine if your product is a good fit for Michaels, I recommend visiting one of their stores and taking a look around. Pay attention to the types of products they carry and see if your product aligns with their offerings. If you find that your product could be a good fit, it’s worth reaching out to Michaels to explore the possibility of selling your product in their stores.

Following the Path of Least Resistance

When it comes to selling your products, it’s important to follow the path of least resistance. This means identifying retailers that may not be as competitive for your product type. Michaels, with its diverse range of products, can be a great option for this. By targeting retailers that are not on the radar of your competitors, you increase your chances of success.

How to Sell to Michaels Stores

Selling your products to Michaels can be a lucrative opportunity, especially if your product aligns with their offerings beyond arts and crafts. By taking the time to understand Michaels and exploring the possibility of selling your product there, you can tap into a market that may not be as competitive. Remember to visit a Michaels store to assess if your product fits their range and consider reaching out to them to discuss the potential partnership.

If you’re interested in learning more about the exact steps to get your product into retailers like Michaels, I invite you to check out my Retail MBA program. It is a comprehensive course that covers everything you need to know about selling to retailers. You can find the link to the program below.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more videos on getting your products into stores.

Link to Retail MBA program

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!

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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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Michaels Store Vendor
How to Sell to Michaels Stores & Become a Michaels Vendor
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How to Sell to Michaels Stores & Become a Michaels Vendor
Do you have a product that is perfect for Michaels Store? Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product into their stores? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Michaels Store!
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