Brookstone Vendor - How to Sell to Brookstone Stores

How to Sell to Brookstone & Become a Brookstone Vendor

Do you have a product that is perfect for Brookstone stores?

You’ve come to the right place to learn how to be a Brookstone Stores supplier. Popular for their cool gadgets and innovative products, it’s really no surprise why a lot of entrepreneurs want to pitch a product to this company. 

Most of the time, inventors are the ones who are really interested in getting a product to Brookstone.

They want to be a Brookstone Stores vendor and sell their inventions through this brand especially since Brookstone is usually located in areas with high foot traffic. Their store really gives a great opportunity to get a product out there. 

Another great thing about Brookstone is that their online store is massive

This means more opportunity for you to sell your products to a large number. And if your product does very well in sales, they can also have it displayed in their physical stores. Now, if you want to learn more, you’ll just have to watch my training video!

(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcription is included as well below!)

Transcript For Video Listed Here…

How to sell to Brookstone

Learn everything you need to know to become a Brookstone vendor

Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA. Today we’re going to talk about the retailer Brookstone. Now the reason I decided to create this particular video is because I teach thousands of product companies across the globe on how to sell to Brookstone comes up a lot. So I deal with a lot of inventors. I deal with a lot of people with lots of different categories, like Amazon sellers, this and that. I deal with a lot of different kinds of people. But inventors love Brookstone because if you have ever been to Brookstone, they have the coolest gadgets. It’s really really interesting. Inventors seem to love it and they want their product in there. So they’re always asking me about it that’s why this video is created.

If you become a Brookstone vendor it is a tremendous opportunity for your business

So first of all, they have over 300 stores that they are responsible for. They’re usually in high traffic areas. So they’re usually in malls, or certain areas where there are a lot of people. So if you get your product into Brookstone, definitely exciting because a lot of people will know about your product. It’s an amazing opportunity for you to get products at the store if you have an invention. 

There is a good amount of competition to become a Brookstone vendor

The problem with that store is that all inventors want to sell to Brookstone so there’s so much competition. Your product really has to be interesting, innovative, and unique. Also they can be private label and all sorts of other things. But generally speaking they don’t have a lot of room in their stores. There’s just really not a lot of wiggle room in that particular store because they’re generally not that large compared to Walmart or bigger space retailers. They could be a little bit more challenging because everybody wants to sell to them and they’re just a little bit more complex. Not impossible but you just really really have to have something interesting and innovative. 

So what could I tell you about them that could support you in this quick little short video? They have a huge e-commerce and catalog business and actually more so I would say than their actual store. So the great news about that is that if you get rejected by the retail buyer, Brookstone, there’s actually a buyer responsible for the e-commerce and catalog.

The online buyer is different from the store buyer

Here’s a quick tip for you guys–in retail usually the buyer for stores is different from the buyer on the online store. So the online buyer is different from the store buyer. They have a whole other set of issues they’re dealing with the physical stores, you need to have the best packaging, you have to have everything lined. As I said, they’re a small store so they’re really picking only the most exclusive products in stores.

Sell to Brookstone Online

But when it comes to online, they have a little bit more wiggle room, they don’t have to buy as many units because they don’t have to account for every particular store that they’re buying for. Because it is online, they can drop, they can do all sort of other things. Also, they can basically test more products out, right? Because there’s not a limited shelf space and so forth. So, there is an online buyer for Brookstone, there’s also catalog buyer and so forth. And so if your product is great for photos, you might want to consider reaching out catalog and online buyer. 

First, get your products there, do well, start generating revenue with them, and then they’ll probably be more inclined to get your products in stores. At least you can get started and start telling people that you got your product in to Brookstone

Now, how do you actually pitch Brookstone your product?

 That’s a whole lot of other video. It takes a little while for me to explain to you. And if you want to learn more, you can take a look at my Retail MBA website I actually have a free training series, six-part training series–really really powerful–on how to sell to retail chains. You just put in your email address to and then you can get access to that training series.

Once you become a Brookstone vendor other retailers will accept your products

Or if you want to just go after retail chains and you want someone to specifically tell you, in a weekend, everything you will ever need to know about retail, you might want to take a look at my Retail MBA training program. In one weekend, I teach you everything there is to know about retail chains. And then you’ll be able to go after stores next week.

how to become a Brookstone vendor

 Learn how to approach, pitch & sell to Brookstone stores 

Either way, it’s super powerful stuff. Keep learning before you reach out to these stores because there is some finessing and things that you have to understand about selling to retailers. We would love to support you with this stuff. So anyways, I hope this provided value for you. Brookstone, awesome, definitely explore online. 

By the way, if you’re going to start selling products online, pay a professional to take pictures of your product. Make sure you have the right copy explaining what your product is or does. It really makes a difference in generating revenue for you and becoming a Brookstone vendor. Anyway, Karen Waksman, Retail MBA, be on the lookout for the next video I create. Thanks so much.

New training on how to become a Brookstone vendor & how to sell to Brookstone Stores

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!

We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.

We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about.  Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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Retail MBA provides a step-by-step formula on How to Sell to Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Smaller Retailers, Catalogs and More. No Experience Required! These solutions continue to convert for clients year-over-year! These are Time-Tested and Proven Strategies that we utilize ourselves when going after stores! Everything we teach, we test. Want access to these formulas? ANY one of our programs and coaching systems gives you access to them now. With that said… 

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Brookstone Vendor
How to Sell to Brookstone Stores and Become a Brookstone Stores Vendor!
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How to Sell to Brookstone Stores and Become a Brookstone Stores Vendor!
Interested in selling to a retail chain like Brookstone? You’ve come to the right place to learn how to be a Brookstone Stores supplier. Popular for their cool gadgets and innovative products,
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