Walmart Seller Application

Walmart Seller Application

Walmart Seller Application – How to Get Approved As a Walmart Seller!

Walmart’s application process can be extensive and complex, which may prevent some sellers from joining their marketplace. But with sufficient preparation and luck on your side, Walmart approval may well be achievable!

There are a few key requirements you must meet, and in this article we’ll go through them in greater depth. In addition, we will offer helpful hints and techniques for making the process smoother.

What do I need to sell on Walmart?

First step to creating a seller center account at Walmart: Provide your business name, email address, phone number and location along with uploading company logo and product list. Submit application when complete.

Your application will be evaluated within two weeks and, if approved, a message will notify you to launch your catalog on Walmart Marketplace. After launch, however, high performance standards must be upheld; specifically an on-time shipment rate of over 99% with valid tracking rates above 98% as well as low defect and return rates are key components to maintaining high standards.

One of the key aspects of selling on Walmart is realizing that you will be dealing with an immense customer base, so providing exceptional service should be your top priority if you want their custom. Otherwise, complaints from customers could tarnish your reputation and lead to lost sales opportunities.

Remember it is essential to abide by Walmart’s guidelines and rules when setting up an eBay store, such as not listing too many items or those not classified properly in different categories. Also ensure you have valid bank and credit accounts as payment processing is important; and of course don’t sell anything that’s trademarked or patent-protected!

Remember to not go overboard when it comes to marketing your product, as too much advertising can irritate customers and possibly turn them off altogether. Instead, concentrate on quality instead and provide customers with information regarding your product that can help them decide whether or not they would like to purchase it.

How long does it take to get approved?

Once your application and all required documents have been submitted to Walmart for review, it typically takes two to four weeks before they review it and contact you with any questions or additional information needed from you. When they approve it and send you a confirmation email that says something along these lines, “Your seller account is ready for launch”.

Once approved, having a well-crafted business plan to guide your growth is essential to being a successful Walmart Marketplace seller. A business plan detailing what products will be sold, pricing considerations, and shipping methods used will give your firm an advantage over competitors.

Make sure your company is incorporated and up-to-date with all necessary documentation, particularly regarding any inconsistencies between information provided. Even small mistakes could result in the rejection of your application – saving yourself a great deal of headache by double-checking before hitting submit!

As part of your brand story, it’s crucial that you distinguish yourself from other sellers on the platform. One effective strategy to do so is by emphasizing customer service excellence and unique product offerings; Walmart seeks out brands who excel at both.

Once you have developed a strong brand story, it’s time to fill out your Walmart seller application. You will need to provide details regarding your shipping and operations such as warehouse address and methods of shipments; as well as provide an outline of your return policy which must conform with Walmart’s Returns Policy.

One other point to keep in mind when listing on Walmart is their aversion to duplicate content, so try not to copy-paste your Amazon listings onto their platform as this can be seen as suspicious behavior. Instead, write unique, high-quality product descriptions with relevant keywords in titles and meta tags; make sure that listing images are large enough and professional looking; ensure listing images are of sufficient size as this will show up as a red flag on search engines like Google and Bing.

Do I need to have a website?

If you are an online seller looking to expand sales, Walmart could be an ideal platform on which to begin selling. While they do have specific requirements and an application process which may seem complex at first, approval should still be achievable provided you meet their criteria and implement appropriate strategies.

When applying to become a seller on Walmart, the first page will require basic information about you and your business, including name, address, phone number and type of entity you run. Following that, a list of products with their categories must be provided; this allows Walmart to determine which categories your items should fall under.

The second page will ask for details about your e-commerce business, such as how many products are currently for sale on other platforms, monthly revenues generated from those sales, types of products available for sale and how you plan on transporting or handling them. In addition, any special qualifications or licenses necessary should also be noted on this page. Finally, any supply chains or initiatives related to your e-commerce should also be listed here.

On the third and final page of your Walmart seller application, you must agree to their terms and conditions of using their platform, including paying a referral fee of 6%-20% of each sale price depending on product category.

Once you’ve completed the application and agreement process, you’ll be informed that your listing has been accepted and can begin creating listings through Walmart’s Seller Center. Depending on how quickly your items and shipping options will sell before going live (up to 48 hours for testing purposes), Walmart may advise testing them first before going live for sale.

Once your listings are active, it’s crucial to monitor them regularly for errors and ensure you’re winning the Buy Box. Furthermore, Walmart automatically compares competitor pricing when new items are uploaded – too high of an asking price could see it rejected from being added to their site.

How do I get started?

The Walmart Marketplace Application is relatively straightforward and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete, asking questions about your business, annual revenue, product catalog, integration capabilities, shipping operations, e-commerce marketplace experience and more. Once complete, it will be sent off for review by their team, with approval being confirmed with an email alert that informs you your catalog is now visible online.

Walmart will consider several aspects during this approval process, such as your company website and any marketplace accounts held with Amazon or eBay as well as customer service ratings and fulfillment rates. They look for sellers with high levels of customer satisfaction that can fulfill orders quickly and efficiently as well as possess an in-depth knowledge of e-commerce and marketplace operations.

Once approved, it’s time to create your Walmart seller account. Log into Seller Center using the email address or username you provided during application and create a password; create security questions and answers in order to protect against hackers; select security questions/answers as these help protect against account breaching; once this step has been completed you will be taken through the launch checklist, which outlines everything that must be completed prior to selling on Walmart.

Walmart’s seller platform differs significantly from Amazon in that there are no monthly fees associated with selling products on their platform, only a referral fee for every sale made. This allows sellers to make considerable income on Walmart by selling multiple items quickly on its marketplace.

Once your seller account has been set up, you can begin uploading products. Do this as soon as possible as Walmart’s marketplace can be highly competitive; plus they have specific inventory management requirements like minimum order quantities and maximum item counts per listing.

Your business must provide products with GS1-certified UPC codes, and have access to an unbranded fulfillment partner that can quickly ship them out for shipment to Walmart customers.

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!

We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.

We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about.  Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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