Paint Brush Cover Review - Retail MBA Brands

Paint Brush Cover Success Story – Retail MBA Review

Paint Brush Cover Success Story – Retail MBA Brands

We just want to congratulate and spotlight our Paint Brush Cover Clients. They got their products into over 30,000 retail outlets nationwide. Wow!

They are now in Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, True Value, Sherwin Williams and Much, Much more! 

We started working with them prior to their big experience on Shark Tank, the TV show. This was a memorable  product on Shark Tank as they were 3 firefighters who created this cool new invention called The Paint Brush Cover. Look them up – it’s a fun story to watch!  

Before this experience happened though, they were just a few guys trying to figure out how to sell to big box retail chains. They wanted to understand how to communicate effectively to buyers and ultimately how to get them to buy.

We walked them through the steps to take to success. And wow – did magic happen for them shortly after!

They articulated the success and got into stores and then they got on TV – and business took off from there!!

Sometimes it’s just the desire to succeed that gets the train moving toward financial success with retail chains.

We couldn’t be prouder of you guys! Thank you to our Paint Brush Cover clients for going for it! Not everyone does :). Yippee!

Congrats! Go, go, go! Who’s next?!

Watch the short video on The Paint Brush Cover success listed above because it’s fun to watch other people’s successes and what’s possible for you! 

We want this for every client of ours!

Wishing you so much happiness and success.

Karen Waksman, Founder of Retail MBA Brands

P.S. Want to get your products on retail shelves? Check out our upcoming free 90 minute webinar on ‘How to Sell Your Products to Big Box Retail Chains’ by clicking here:

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!

We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.

We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about.  Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

Questions? Contact Us!
1-855-Retail-2 (Call or Text)

Retail MBA provides a step-by-step formula on How to Sell to Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Smaller Retailers, Catalogs and More. No Experience Required! These solutions continue to convert for clients year-over-year! These are Time-Tested and Proven Strategies that we utilize ourselves when going after stores! Everything we teach, we test. Want access to these formulas? ANY one of our programs and coaching systems gives you access to them now. With that said… 

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Work with Us:

 1) Free Training If You Would Like to Join Our Next FREE Webinar Training Called “Retail Chain Store Secrets – How to Sell to Major Retail Chains. No Experience Required” Then Sign Up NOW To Learn All About Selling into Retail Chains By Clicking Here!

2) Retail MBA Year Long Coaching and Training System  Our Year Long Coaching and Training System with Karen Waksman is POWERFUL! This is our most popular training and coaching system! We walk you through how to approach, pitch and sell to retail chains and we coach you along the way! Join us by Clicking Here!

3) Masterclass Intensives  Want to Join our Next 4 Week Elite Retail MBA Masterclass Intensive? These Intensives Are EPIC for people who Love Fast Paced Learning – Homework, Retail Coaching, Developing Your Strategy, Buyers Contacts and More! These Events Are Held Every Quarter. Join us by Clicking Here!

4) Done-for-You Program If You Want Karen Waksman and Her Team to Reach Out to Your Top Dream Retail Chains On Your Behalf – And You Have a Retail-Ready Product, Check Out our Epic Done-For-You Service by Clicking Here!

5) In Person Events – If You Want to Learn LIVE and Meet Karen Waksman in Person at Our Next “America’s Next Retail Product: LIVE Event with Other Like-Minded Individuals in Beautiful San Diego, CA! We Would LOVE to Have You Join Us by Clicking Here!

Paint Brush Cover Review - Retail MBA Brands