How to Get Your Product in Walmart
Finding success at Walmart may seem challenging, but it isn’t impossible. The first step should be creating a product that meets both their standards and consumer demand – these retail giants typically look for products that are both accessible and cost effective.
As with pricing your product competitively, many suppliers have found that too expensive of products do not sell well at Walmart.
Create a product that meets Walmart’s standards
Amazon and Walmart both represent dream markets for small businesses, yet securing space at them is no simple task. Each year, thousands of companies apply to become vendors at Walmart but only a select few will make the cut – buyers look for proven sales figures as well as products that stand out amongst their 100,000 existing suppliers – perhaps unique room furnishings or cleaners that effectively remove stains are amongst others.
As your initial step, Walmart requires a supplier questionnaire from you and submit it. This questionnaire should include basic information about your business and products it sells; additionally you will need to supply each GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) and UPC (Universal Product Code), obtained through GS1 US’s not-for-profit organization that regulates barcode usage; additionally you’ll have to register with Dun & Bradstreet before supplying a General Certificate of Conformity from them as part of this process.
Walmart will evaluate your application and assign you an ID number that will be useful in future processes and queries. Submit GTIN and UPC numbers for all of the products produced as well as an e-certificate from your manufacturer as part of this process, while creating a Global Data Sync Network account.
No multi-million dollar business is needed to sell in Walmart stores; they work with big brands such as Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble as well as smaller suppliers looking for presence in several hundred stores. Each supplier must meet certain requirements that are outlined on Walmart’s website when you apply; also, Walmart prefers working with distributors as opposed to direct vendors as these can deliver multiple different products with daily management support from distributors.
Build a relationship with Walmart’s buyers
Walmart is one of the world’s premier retailers, and thousands of businesses strive to gain entry. But only a select few succeed. Building relationships with Walmart’s buyers is essential if you hope to succeed here; you must communicate confidently while meeting their price demands.
As your first step in entering Walmart stores, the first step should be understanding its selection process for products. Walmart employs multiple criteria when assessing which items will be sold there. Most importantly, your product must adhere to high quality standards set forth by Walmart; otherwise it will be rejected. Another consideration for Walmart may include production costs; it wouldn’t make financial sense to pay for something which wouldn’t generate profits in return.
Furthermore, you must understand which product will sell well at Walmart stores and online. To increase the chances of selling your item successfully you can focus on high-demand consumer items as well as offering discounts or rewards programs for your customers.
Attending Walmart’s Made in USA Open Call events is an effective way of developing relationships with their buyers. Held frequently in Bentonville, Arkansas and providing potential suppliers with an opportunity to pitch their products directly to a buyer; an application form for this event is available on their website.
As it’s also essential to understanding how to create a Walmart Product Listing, which serves as the initial impression for potential customers when browsing products, your listing must be clear and concise as well as optimized for search engines. If this task proves challenging for you, consider hiring professional assistance to do it on your behalf.
Finalists should always stay on top of inventory management, restocking as quickly as possible in order to maintain an even in-stock level and stand out among Walmart buyers’ shelves. Furthermore, keep in mind that they prefer products which stand out as unique or innovative; buyers at Walmart tend to look out for unique offerings which make an impression compared to what is already offered within their stores or online storefront.
Create a website
If you’re serious about selling on Walmart Marketplace, conducting extensive research is vital to avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your products meet their criteria. Be familiar with sourcing and shipping options available as well as product types sought out by Walmart as well as how best to prepare products for its e-commerce platforms. It is also wise to assess potential demand in your market by visiting nearby stores or researching customer patterns.
Once your application has passed vetting, the next step will be submitting it. The process should be straightforward and only require basic information about your company such as its TIN, D&B number and certificate of insurance. Next up will be filling out an online product submission form which requires detailed descriptions and specifications as well as providing photographs for every product offered for sale.
After you submit your product, Walmart will send an email informing you of its decision on your application. Upon approval, you’ll be able to upload inventory and start selling, however before that happens it is wise to familiarise yourself with its rules and regulations as well as pricing model so your prices remain competitive with other sellers.
An effective starting point is analyzing your competitors’ prices and offering lower ones yourself. Furthermore, make sure your website is mobile-friendly with responsive design so it will help increase sales while strengthening brand image.
One of the biggest mistakes new Walmart Marketplace vendors make is failing to conduct sufficient research. Entrepreneurs may not realize that Walmart has minimum volume requirements for certain product categories or that the company prefers working with suppliers who already have an established online presence and brand presence.
Once your product meets Walmart’s criteria, it’s time to pitch it. Walmart hosts an event called Open Call where small businesses can meet with buyers and pitch their product ideas directly. This event can provide a tremendous opportunity for entrepreneurs looking for growth – even those who do not receive approval can gain something from the experience.
Create an account on Walmart’s website
To sell products on Walmart, it’s necessary to create an account on their website and access their seller center. From there you can start marketing them to an extensive audience – plus there are additional benefits like free shipping on all orders and a quick checkout process!
To open an account with Walmart, visit their website and select “Register as a Seller.” Enter your email address or username, select a password, and set some security questions and answers that can help guard against hacking or any other potential hazards to protect against.
Next, provide information about your business including its location, type of ownership and practices. Input the shipping methods and charges that apply as well as any returns policies in line with Walmart standards before completing your application and checking its status under “My Applications.”
Once your account has been approved, an email will notify you that you can begin selling products on Walmart’s marketplace. After setting up payment methods and sales procedures, sales should begin coming through as you leverage Walmart’s exclusive deals and discounts to track orders and track payments.
Make sure your product listings are optimized for Walmart searches to maximize visibility in search results and bring in new buyers. Furthermore, Walmart gives access to reports and analytics which will allow you to measure performance more accurately.
Before selling on Walmart’s website, it’s essential that you understand its stringent requirements. The retailer seeks to ensure your product meets quality standards similar to top sellers; furthermore, distributors tend to work more smoothly with them as management can be simpler for them than dealing with individual vendors directly. If you want your product sold successfully on their marketplace, start by meeting these high standards and building relationships with buyers; this way you may stand a greater chance of having it appear in stores across their network.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.
We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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