Do you have a product perfect for Dicks Sporting Goods Stores?
Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA, recently discussed how to become a vendor for Dicks Sporting Goods. Dicks Sporting Goods is a major player in the sporting goods industry, with 670 stores selling a variety of products, including electronics, clothing, and more.
However, due to the popularity of the retailer, it can be difficult to become a vendor for Dicks Sporting Goods. Waksman recommends targeting other retailers that sell sporting goods, as they may be more open to taking a risk on a new product. She also recommends attending her upcoming 90-minute webinar to learn more about how to approach, pitch, and sell to retailers like Dicks.
Here are some tips to consider when selling to Dicks Sporting Goods:
- Don’t ignore retailers like Dicks just because they specialize in sporting goods. They may be open to purchasing your product even if it’s not in that particular category.
- Be aware that you may get rejected by Dicks, and it may have nothing to do with your product.
- Don’t get emotionally tied to what happens in the initial contact.
- Look for other retailers that sell sporting goods that your competitors may not be thinking about.
- Consider attending Waksman’s upcoming webinar to learn more about how to approach, pitch, and sell to retailers like Dicks.
Ultimately, Waksman recommends targeting other retailers that sell sporting goods before approaching Dicks Sporting Goods. If Dicks rejects your product, don’t take it personally, as it may have nothing to do with your product. With the right approach, you can make millions of dollars with Dicks Sporting Goods.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a vendor for Dicks Sporting Goods, click here to attend Waksman’s upcoming webinar. Click on the top link of this page to sign up for FREE.
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(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcription is included as well below!)
Transcript for “Dicks Sporting Goods Vendor – How to Sell to Dicks Sporting Goods Video

Learn everything you need to know to become a Dick’s Sporting Goods vendor
Hey, everyone, this is Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA. Today, I want to talk about a retailer called Dick’s Sporting Goods. Now the reason I decided to create this particular training is because if you have a sporting good product, you’re probably thinking about Dick’s Sporting Goods, right? I mean how could you not? It’s a really big retail chain.
Dick’s Sporting Goods have over 670-something retail stores that they’re responsible for as of this date and they’re growing, so they have a tremendous buying power.
What you need to know as a Dick’s Sporting Goods vendor
Any time you have a sporting good products, you usually tend to try and go after the niche retailers Which makes a lot of sense. If I have a consumer electronics product, most people will want to go after Best Buy, right? If I have any sorts of product, I try to sell to a niche retailer. That’s what everybody thinks when they’re going after retail stores.
Why you should be selling to Dick’s Sporting Goods
What would I say about Dick’s? Well, to be honest with you, as someone who’s sold millions of products to retailers, my actual go-to move would not be Dick’s first of all. It would actually be all the other retailers that your competitors are probably not thinking about, so let me explain. If I have a sporting goods products, the go-to move would be go to Dick’s, right? But as a rep who’s done well, I would actually go to the retailers like department stores who have a sporting goods section or Sears of the world or Walmart of the world or anywhere else where they might have less shelf space but they do have sporting goods section of the store.
Once you are selling to other realtors you will be more likely to be able to become a Dick’s Sporting Goods vendor
I like going after those retailers ’cause a lot of my competitors are not even thinking about some of those retailers, but they definitely are thinking about retailers like Dick’s. Does that make sense? It’s not that I wouldn’t go after Dick’s. It’s not that I’m not going to go after them anyhow and that I’m not going to try to get my products in the stores, but those niche retailers tend to say no to you more than the other types of retailers and that’s my point in sharing that.
How to sell your products into Dick’s Sporting Goods local retail stores
Again, if you have a sporting goods product, definitely go after them, but just think about that and don’t feel bad. What happens when people who have new products and they don’t understand the retail industry is they’ll follow what everybody else does and they’ll go after their favorite retailer, again, like the most common one and that retailer will say no to them and then they will kind of feel depressed and think that their product isn’t great, and it’s actually not true. It’s just ’cause all your competitors are going after them.
My recommendation is to not follow protocol when you want to sell to Dick’s Sporting Goods
Start going after all the other retail chains. Get your products into those stores first and then have a really compelling story to go back to Dick’s because Dick’s has, you know, they’re such a niche retailer, they like it when you have a story. They like it when you have products sold in other retailers and so forth and so that’s really inspiring to them. That’s exciting to them and then they’ll be more inclined to buy.
I hope that makes sense for you.

Learn how to approach, pitch & sell to Dick’s Sporting Goods stores
Anyways, if you wanna know what to say to these buyers, at Dick’s or any of these other retail chains, it’s a whole other video, whole other explanation. If you wanna learn how to become a Dick’s Sporting Goods vendor that, take a look at my website I actually have a free training video series that walks you through a lot of that. Definitely check that out. All you got to do is put in your email address or if you want to take a look at my full retail MBA training program, that one’s powerful. That’s, in a weekend, you’ll know everything there is know about selling to big chain stores. You can start going after retailers next week. I mean it’s so powerful.
If you become a Dick’s Sporting Goods vendor it is a tremendous opportunity for your business
Either way, you’ll get so much value and I’d love to explain more and teach you what to say to these retailers to get them to buy ’cause I just wanna get you guys in stores. This is Karen Waksman with Retail MBA. I hope this information provided value and I’ll see you in the next video. Thanks so much.
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
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We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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