Wakefern Vendor - How to Sell to Wakefern Stores

Sell to Wakefern Stores & Become a Wakefern Vendor

Do you have a product that is perfect for Wakefern Stores and You Want to Become a Wakefern Vendor?

Are you interested in selling your product to Wakefern? In this short video training, Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA will share insights and tips to help you kickstart your journey.

Wakefern stands out as a retailer due to its range of subsidiary companies. They oversee a total of 329 supermarkets, each with its distinct name such as ShopRite, Price Right, The Fresh Grocer, Reddington Farms and more.

Becoming a vendor for Wakefern entails receiving a vendor number if they express interest in your product. This number serves as an identifier for your business. Enables you to track your shipments orders by mail and deliveries.

If you are already part of their system through one of their chain divisions having a vendor number is an added advantage when engaging with the buyer. It eliminates the need for paperwork since they already have your information on file.

It’s worth noting that even though ShopRite and The Fresh Grocer are both owned by the corporation they may have buyers overseeing their respective departments.

Here are some tips if you’re looking to sell to Wakefern

1. Initiate contact with Wakefern. Explore collaboration opportunities.
2. Upon showing interest, in your product they will provide you with a designated vendor number.If you’ve previously interacted with any of their branches and are already, in their system this can be an added benefit for the buyer. Customers may not always make purchases from you due to reasons like being too busy feeling lazy or having doubts about the marketability of your product.

To gain insights on how to approach, present and sell to retailers like Wakefern I recommend visiting the Retail MBA website. They offer resources such as training sessions, advanced paid courses, live events and certification programs. Their expertise extends beyond grocery chains to encompass all types of retail.

Thank you for participating in this training session. I hope it was valuable for you.

Your time is greatly appreciated. If you enjoyed this content please consider liking, subscribing, commenting and sharing. We value your support. Stay tuned for our videos. Thanks,
Karen Waksman, from Retail MBA.

"Buyers at chain stores don't buy products from you sometimes because they are too lazy, too busy, or don't believe that your product will sell."

Outline for "Wakefern Vendor - How to Sell to Wakefern - Shoprite Stores" Video Training Here...

Karen Waksman, the founder of Retail MBA has knowledge and experience, in selling products to retailers. In this article she focuses on Wakefern ShopRite, a company that oversees supermarket chains such as ShopRite, Price Rite, The Fresh Grocer, Reddington Farms and more. Waksman provides insights for anyone looking to sell their consumer products to Wakefern ShopRite.

When approaching Wakefern ShopRite it’s important to understand that they operate under company names within their network. With 329 supermarkets under their umbrella it can be confusing for sellers who want to get their products on the shelves of these stores since each division may have its purchasing department. However if you manage to obtain a vendor number from one division you can leverage it to reach out to the buyer, across divisions. This is possible because Wakefern utilizes software and vendor related information throughout all its divisions.

Vendor Number

A vendor number is assigned to vendors who receive a purchase order from a buyer.
Having a vendor number is crucial, for vendors as it enables Wakefern to keep track of their interactions, including mail orders and deliveries. Once you obtain a vendor number you can easily connect with divisions within Wakefern. Explore potential collaborations. The fact that you are already registered as a vendor in the system offers benefits to buyers as they don’t need to go through paperwork to work with you.

Waksman highlights that some buyers might hesitate to engage with vendors due to time constraints or the aversion towards administrative tasks. However if you are already listed in their system as a vendor it simplifies the process for them to collaborate with you. It’s noteworthy that while Wakefern’s divisions may have names they are still part of the corporation and share common software and vendor information. This implies that the buyer responsible, for ShopRite might differ from the one overseeing The Fresh Grocer; nonetheless both can work with you if you possess a vendor number from any of Wakefern’s divisions.

Getting Started

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge on approaching, pitching and selling to retailers, like Wakefern ShopRite Waksman suggests exploring the resources provided on Retail MBAs website. They offer a range of materials such as trainings, advanced paid courses, live events and certification programs. Retail MBA collaborates with individuals involved in sectors, including grocery chains and other merchandise categories. Waksman also encourages readers to subscribe to Retail MBAs channel for content or share suggestions for training topics.

To summarize successfully selling products to ShopRite requires thinking and an understanding of the company’s structure. By obtaining a vendor number from one division you open up opportunities to collaborate with divisions as well. This beneficial arrangement streamlines the working process for both vendors and buyers. If you’re interested, in delving into the art of selling to Wakefern ShopRite or other retailers I highly recommend exploring Retail MBA as a resource.

Become a Wakefern Vendor - How to Sell to Wakefern Stores
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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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