Amazon Seller

Amazon Seller


Amazon Seller – Can I Become an Amazon Seller and Sell to Big Box Retail Stores at the Same Time?

In this short video training, we will address a common concern among Amazon sellers: Can I sell my products on Amazon and also target big box retail stores? Many sellers worry that selling on Amazon while pursuing retail opportunities might upset buyers or create conflicts. In this short video training, we will provide insights and recommendations on how to navigate this situation successfully.

Selling on Amazon and Big Box Retail Stores

One of the most frequently asked questions in my workshops and classes is whether it is possible to sell on Amazon and target big box retail stores simultaneously. As a small or mid-sized company looking to grow your business, it is natural to explore multiple avenues for generating revenue. However, concerns arise about potential conflicts and the impact on buyers.

Understanding the Perspective of Retail Buyers

Retail buyers ideally prefer sellers to exclusively sell their products through their stores. However, they also understand that sellers need to make a living and explore various sales channels. While the ideal scenario for retail buyers is exclusive sales, it is not always realistic to expect sellers to limit themselves to one platform.

Selling on Amazon: Key Considerations

If you decide to sell on Amazon while also targeting big box retail stores, there are a few important factors to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Price Competition: One crucial aspect is to ensure that you are not competing with the retail buyers on price. When selling to retailers like Macy’s or Bed Bath & Beyond, make sure that the price you offer them is more competitive than the price on Amazon. This way, you give the retailers an advantage and avoid direct price competition.
  2. Maintain Competitive Pricing: It is essential to ensure that when customers search for your product online, they do not find a better price on Amazon compared to what is available in the retail stores. This means that you need to carefully manage your pricing strategy to maintain consistency across platforms.
  3. Exceptions to the Rule: While the general understanding is that selling on Amazon alongside targeting big box retail stores is acceptable, there may be exceptions. Some buyers might express concerns or preferences for exclusive sales. In such cases, it is crucial to have open communication with the buyers and determine the best course of action based on their feedback.

Recommendations for Success

To navigate the situation successfully, here are some recommendations:

  1. Open Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with the retail buyers. Discuss your intentions to sell on Amazon and address any concerns they may have. By having a conversation, you can better understand their expectations and work towards a mutually beneficial arrangement.
  2. Prioritize Retail Buyers: When it comes to pricing, prioritize the retail buyers by offering them more competitive prices than what is available on Amazon. This ensures that the retail buyers feel valued and incentivized to continue working with you.
  3. Monitor Online Pricing: Regularly monitor the online pricing of your product to ensure that it aligns with the pricing offered to retail buyers. This will help you maintain consistency and avoid any conflicts or dissatisfaction among buyers.

In conclusion, it is possible to sell on Amazon while also targeting big box retail stores. While retail buyers may prefer exclusive sales, they understand the need for sellers to explore multiple sales channels. To successfully navigate this situation, it is important to avoid price competition with retail buyers, maintain competitive pricing across platforms, and have open communication with buyers to address any concerns or preferences they may have. By following these recommendations, sellers can effectively sell on Amazon and pursue opportunities with big box retail stores without causing conflicts or upsetting buyers.

Remember, every situation may have exceptions, so it is crucial to adapt and make decisions based on individual circumstances and buyer feedback. With careful planning and consideration, sellers can successfully expand their business and generate revenue from both Amazon and big box retail stores.

Amazon Seller

Transcript Outline of Amazon Sellers and Selling to Retail Chains!

In this brief video training we will address a common concern among Amazon sellers: Can I sell my products on Amazon and also target big box retail stores? Many sellers worry that selling on Amazon while pursuing retail opportunities might upset buyers or create conflicts. In this article we will provide insights and recommendations on how to navigate this situation successfully.

Selling on Amazon and Big Box Retail Stores

One of the most frequently asked questions in my workshops and classes is whether it is possible to sell on Amazon and target big box retail stores simultaneously. As a small or mid sized company looking to grow your business it is natural to explore multiple avenues for generating revenue. However.

Concerns arise about potential conflicts and the impact on buyers. Understanding the Perspective of Retail Buyers

Retail buyers ideally prefer sellers to exclusively sell their products through their stores. However.

They also understand that sellers need to make a living and explore various sales channels. While the ideal scenario for retail buyers is exclusive sales it is not always realistic to expect sellers to limit themselves to one platform. Selling on Amazon: Key Considerations

If you decide to sell on Amazon while also targeting big box retail stores. There are a few important factors to keep in mind:

– Avoid Price Competition: One crucial aspect is ensuring that you are not competing with the retail buyers on price. When selling your products through retailers like Macys’ or Bed Bath & Beyond. Make sure your offered price is more competitive than whats’ available on Amazon. By doing so. You give retailers an advantage and avoid direct price competition. – Maintain Competitive Pricing: Its essential to ensure that when customers search for your product online they don’t find a better price on Amazon compared to whats available in the retail stores. This means carefully managing your pricing strategy to maintain consistency across platforms. – Exceptions to the Rule: While its generally acceptable to sell on Amazon alongside targeting big box retail stores. There may be exceptions. In situations where some buyers express concerns or preferences for exclusive sales initiating open communication channels becomes paramount as it allows for productive conversations aimed at understanding their feedback and finding mutually agreeable solutions. In order to navigate such situations successfully consider implementing the following recommendations:

Maintain Open Communication: Sustaining transparent communication with your retail buyers is crucial. Getting into dialogue about your decision regarding selling on Amazon and addressing any concerns expressed by them helps establish common ground. Understanding their expectations allows you both to work towards establishing arrangements that are mutually beneficial.
Prioritize Retail Buyers: While determining pricing. Giving priority to your retail customers by offering them more competitive prices than those found on Amazon is advisable. This not only makes them feel appreciated but also incentivizes them to continue working with you.

Regularly Monitor Online Pricing: To ensure consistency and prevent conflicts or dissatisfaction among buyers. Regularly keeping a check on the online pricing of your product is essential. Double checking that it corresponds with the pricing offered to retail buyers serves as a mechanism for maintaining harmony and eliminating any potential discrepancies.
In conclusion in the pursuit of targeting big box retail stores while selling on Amazon simultaneously it is certainly possible. While some retail buyers may express their preference for exclusive sales they are aware of sellers’ need to explore multiple sales channels. To make this situation work successfully. Refrain from entering into price competition with your retail buyers and instead provide competitive pricing across all platforms. Maintaining open communication channels with the buyers helps address any concerns or preferences they may have. By adhering to these recommendations. Sellers can effectively sell on Amazon while also pursuing opportunities with big box retail stores without causing conflicts or upsetting buyers. Be sure to adapt decision making processes based on individual circumstances and buyer feedback as exceptions may arise. In cautiously planning and considering various aspects thoughtfully under specific conditions. Sellers can successfully expand their business operations and generate revenue from both Amazon and big box retail stores.

Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!

We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught over 100,000 of companies over the years across the globe on how to get your products to the stores. And so we’re here to support you. Or please subscribe to our Youtube channel and or be on the lookout for additional training that we create.

We are here to expedite the process of generating revenue with your physical products and that’s what we’re all about.  Take a look at our advanced training, live events, certification programs and so much more.

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA

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