Retail Sell Through
What Is Retail Sell Through?
Retail sell through is an essential KPI that allows retailers to accurately gauge sales velocity and inventory management. By optimizing merchandise displays and eliminating slow-moving items from shelves, retailers can increase sell through and improve inventory control.
Low sell-through rates can cost your business money by taking up shelf space and locking away cash. Monitoring this metric regularly can help your make more informed decisions regarding pricing, supplier relations and merchandising strategies.
Inventory Management
Successful inventory management depends on closely tracking sales data at the point of sale to efficiently control and optimize inventory levels. This is necessary for avoiding overstocking which can be costly for businesses of any size. An automated system that consolidates information from customer service, marketing, logistics platforms and other platforms provides an accurate picture of your business’s inventory and cash flow situation in real-time.
One crucial inventory metric to track is your sell-through rate, which measures how much inventory has been sold over a certain timeframe. This metric can help you gauge if you are ordering enough stock, as well as detect issues affecting your business such as incorrect pricing or low demand. A high sell-through rate indicates you are effectively forecasting demand and making timely purchasing/stocking decisions.
Sell-through rates can be calculated in various ways, but generally follow this formula: (units sold / units received) x 100. Most retailers use one month as the period in which to assess their sell-through rates; after this time period has passed, any unsold products can be marked down or otherwise removed to make space for new merchandise.
Calculating and tracking sell-through rates offers another advantage in understanding how quickly specific types of products from manufacturers are selling, which allows you to adjust goals and buying strategies so as to get maximum return from product investments – something which is especially useful if working with multiple vendors who offer similar styles/sizes of each product.
Calculating your retail sell-through rate requires considering many variables, including pricing, product quality and distribution channel – these will have an immense effect on the bottom line. Furthermore, regularly updating this rate so you can adjust purchasing practices appropriately will prevent overstocking shelves with unsold inventory and incurring losses due to unsold stock.
Inventory Turnover
Inventory turnover measures the rate at which your business sells through its inventory in any given period, which is a crucial metric in retail sales and can help inform key decisions such as purchasing, supplier relationships and merchandising strategies. Inventory turnover also provides insights into whether you may be over-ordering or under-ordering and can give a sense of how well sales overall are faring overall.
An inventory turnover ratio that’s high indicates your products are selling quickly and you are saving on carrying costs, plus they may also be appealing to consumers as supported by a strong advertising campaign.
As the opposite, a low inventory turnover rate could be an indicator that your products aren’t selling as fast as anticipated, perhaps due to poor customer demand or mismanagement in other areas, like an improper purchasing or production strategy. Regularly tracking inventory turnover rate can help, although its results might not always be immediate–particularly if your store offers multiple selling channels and platforms.
Experts point to overordering as one of the key culprits behind low inventory turnover rates, or buying too much of an item, as a key contributor to decreased turnover rates. When there is extra inventory on hand that fails to sell quickly enough, your business may need to spend both time and money trying to move it off your shelves. An additional factor contributing to low inventory turnover could be your prices being too high in relation to competitors; to increase profitability you could lower these. Furthermore, old inventory takes up space that could be better utilized with items more likely to sell quickly or more suited for your customer base. Reducing stock by offering discounts or selling it back to suppliers can be an effective way to clear space for more merchandise that your customers want – such as clothing lines or marketing campaigns that reach new potential buyers.
Inventory Forecasting
Your retail sell through rate can provide invaluable insight into the performance of your supply chain. This metric compares how quickly products sold during a given period are moving out from warehouse to store compared to how fast products shipped from manufacturers are arriving on store shelves.
Efficient inventory forecasting has an enormous effect on product availability and customer satisfaction, but finding an optimal balance between overstocking and understocking can be tricky. Overstocking can result in clearance sales while understocking can create unfulfilled demand backlogs that leave your customers unhappy. Luckily, there are a few best practices you can follow to help plan efficiently for inventory planning.
As part of effective inventory planning, it is crucial to maintain accurate records of inventory and sales data over time, ideally using an inventory management software solution which automatically records this information. With this historical data at hand, quantitative retail forecasting can then be undertaken using spreadsheets or advanced retail analytics tools.
To achieve the most accurate results, it is vital that all departments be involved from the very start in your inventory forecasting planning process. Each department brings unique perspectives and input which can shape its final inventory forecast more effectively – this way your process will be led by facts rather than opinions and assumptions.
Selecting an appropriate time frame for forecasting is also critical. Some retailers make annual projections while others may prefer quarterly or monthly forecasts. Either way, any forecast should be checked regularly to ensure it remains relevant and accurate.
Accurate inventory forecasts can save money and resources by helping to avoid overstocking or understocking, improve supplier relationships by showing how long products take to arrive from suppliers, and when it is appropriate to reorder them; and allow you to streamline product offerings by retiring slower-moving inventory. With these tips in mind, inventory planning for your ecommerce business should become more efficient.
Inventory Requirements
As a retail sales metric, sell through rate (STR) measures the speed at which products move off store shelves. A higher STR indicates greater efficiency for inventory turnover as well as helping businesses decide when and how much additional inventory needs to be ordered.
Calculating Store Turnover Ratio requires businesses to gather data from multiple systems, including inventory management, online sales, store inventory and store stock. One way of making this easier is with an inventory management system which consolidates and analyzes this data in real-time.
An effective business can gain insight into which products are performing well and which ones are underselling, and use this data to increase orders of successful products while decreasing stock of those performing less well.
This information is crucial because every product that remains on a store shelf costs the company money. Not only does it take up valuable storage space that could otherwise be filled by trendier merchandise, but dead inventory ties up cash that could otherwise be spent on marketing initiatives or purchasing higher quality or engaging merchandise.
Low sell through rates often result from failing to meet customer demand for the product, whether that be due to poor packaging or design or because a competitor offers its product at a cheaper price. When this occurs, companies should focus on improving design or changing packaging in order to make their offering more enticing to potential customers.
If your product is underperforming due to being low margin or seasonal, the company should consider lowering the price or hosting a promotion to stimulate sales.
Businesses can improve their sell through rate by following best inventory management practices and understanding supply chain velocity – the speed at which products move from raw material inventory through wholesalers, retailers, and direct selling businesses to consumers.
How to Track and Optimize Retail Sell Through
Retail sell thru is an essential metric to consider when managing inventory. Being aware of it allows you to identify slow-selling products that could benefit from innovative marketing tactics like flash sales or bundle offers.
Understanding STR will enable you to reduce costs associated with keeping excess inventory sitting idle on shelves, taking up cash and space. Furthermore, this method can inform how much to order from suppliers in future orders.
Inventory Management
Sell-through (also referred to as inventory turnover) is an essential retail sales metric which measures how efficiently businesses move inventory through their pipeline. A high sell-through rate indicates that businesses are ordering the appropriate quantity of inventory in line with demand, maximizing sales, and efficiently moving it along through its pipeline. Conversely, low sell-through rates may indicate slow moving inventory, overstocking, or excessive pricing which leads to stranded products, increased storage costs and decreased revenue streams.
ShipBob, for instance, provides a real-time data pipeline that integrates eCommerce, marketing, sales and customer support systems to deliver an accurate view of inventory levels at any point in time – helping brands optimize product mix selection while planning replenishments more precisely and avoiding stockouts or overstocks.
Effective inventory management requires companies to be able to forecast demand and adjust the quantity they purchase based on actual customer demands. Furthermore, companies should purchase at the optimal times during the year in order to increase sales and minimize waste.
Low sell-through rates can be an early indicator that something is amiss with inventory management systems, such as inaccurate forecasting or an absence of demand for certain products. When this occurs, it’s crucial that quickly identify and take corrective action on these issues in order to mitigate their effect.
Product pricing, customer behavior, in-store display and placement all play an impactful role on sell-through rates. A discount or sale on slow-selling products could boost unit sales in short order; while optimizing in-store displays to make products easier to find can increase sales as well; loyalty programs encourage frequent purchases by encouraging more frequent and higher value visits which in turn increases sell-through rates.
Inventory Forecasting
Inventory forecasting is a crucial process that determines how much inventory a retail business must keep on hand in order to meet demand, with various steps and formulas used to project future sales trends and decide how much inventory should be ordered. Integrating customer service data, marketing data, sales data and logistics data into this strategy can help retailers maximize results with their inventory management strategies.
Implementing a sell-through rate metric can help businesses to do this effectively. It measures the percentage of total stock sold over a given timeframe versus units ordered and received, with businesses typically recalculating this metric on an ongoing basis – helping retailers stay ahead of trends while making necessary adjustments as required to avoid stockouts or overstocking situations.
To calculate a sell-through rate, it’s essential to keep track of both inventory and sales data over time using an inventory management system which automatically records this information. But be mindful that a sell-through rate only reveals past trends – this is why forecasting needs to include WOS (weeks of supply). This metric takes into account current weekly average sales to provide more accurate analysis on your future purchasing needs.
Retail brands should go beyond simply tracking inventory and sales by taking a close look at pricing strategies, product placement and warehouse locations in order to optimize sell-through rates. Discounting or bundling products may increase customer interest and consequently result in higher sell-through rates. It is also vital that businesses understand how long it will take their suppliers to ship product shipments as this may affect inventory levels.
An improved sell-through rate can save your business money by decreasing inventory storage and shipping expenses, keeping customers contented, and increasing repeat purchases. But if your sell-through rate falls short of expectations, now may be an opportune time to review processes and implement changes to increase it.
Direct-to-consumer brands must ensure they have their inventory available when customers need it, and by making some simple modifications you can ensure customers find what they’re searching for when they need it.
Sales Forecasting
Forecasting sales requires multiple approaches, each of which has their own set of advantages and disadvantages, which businesses should carefully consider in selecting one that best meets their needs and available data. Once generated, forecasts must be validated and refined as necessary by either changing their model or revisiting assumptions made during forecast generation.
Sales forecasting is the practice of projecting total sales over an anticipated time period. A sales forecast can help businesses determine how much inventory to order or make decisions regarding pricing and promotions campaigns, or identify trends in sales performance that might otherwise go undetected. It may even combine with other data points to give an augmented picture.
One can forecast sales using various techniques, from statistical models and expert opinions, to Delphi methods or market research. A business must carefully select which method best fits its situation, as this will impact results and accuracy of forecasting. For instance, businesses with limited or inaccurate historical sales data may struggle to accurately forecast future sales using traditional statistical models alone – therefore more qualitative methods like Delphi research may provide more accurate predictions than forecasts using only numbers alone.
No matter which sales forecasting method is employed, it is crucial to collect and analyze accurate data in order to build trustworthy forecasts that guide decision making processes.
To achieve this goal, it’s crucial that a system be in place that records and manages all sales data – both online and offline – from CRM, eCommerce platforms, and any other tools used for sales tracking. A flexible sales forecasting software package may assist in streamlining this process by allowing multiple sources to import their information directly into one centralized database.
As part of creating more accurate sales forecasts, it’s also necessary to get input from other departments – this may include input from marketing, product, and finance teams. Marketing may provide insight into new product launches or seasonal trends which could influence sales volume during a particular period; while finance teams can offer insights into financial health as well as overall company health.
Inventory Optimization
Optimizing inventory levels helps companies save on storage, warehousing and dead stock costs (products that are sitting idle and costing them cash). When brands optimize inventory they place orders based on real-time demand forecasts which enables them to maintain optimal levels at multiple tiers in the supply chain (such as warehouses, 3rd party logistic fulfillment centers or even their own stores).
One important metric to assess in any business is their sell-through rate, which measures how many products end up selling on shelves. This metric helps businesses identify items that aren’t moving as expected on shelves and helps determine what steps need to be taken such as decreasing pricing or shifting product placement.
Considerations must also be given to seasonal trends or other external influences that could alter a business’s sell-through rate, necessitating accurate inventory optimization tools that provide up-to-the-minute forecasting results and are capable of identifying and accounting for variations.
Businesses can boost their sell-through rates by segmenting and prioritizing inventory according to value delivery. This involves using analytics and advanced technology to identify products with the highest value and their ideal reorder point, then employing inventory optimization techniques so those products remain available when they’re needed.
Brands can use inventory tracking and forecasting tools to protect themselves from unexpected supply chain issues like longer lead times, raw material shortages, COVID-19 regulations and COVID. Optimizing inventory levels reduces stockout risks that could drive customers away to competitors; optimizing inventories allows brands to better mitigate any negative customer experiences when out-of-stock situations do arise by offering backorder options or communicating clearly about when their products will return – ultimately creating positive customer experiences that increase loyalty, lifetime customer value (LTV).
Step-by-step training on how to sell to retail chains!
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In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Retail MBA
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